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Arts Visalia’s PatriARTic Awards

Arts Visalia

PatriARTic Awards

Our Patrons of the Arts Honorees

1998 – G. A. & Frank Gindick, Luci Merritt
1999 – Marjorie Dwelle and Sabin Gray
2000 – Ray Schlick and Marjorie Brandon
2001 – Stan Simpson and John Sundstrom
2002 – Glenn Stanton, Duane Scott, Mary Winey
2004 – Richard Arenas and Valley Business Bank
2006 – Helen Stanton and Luci Merritt
2008 – Varian Mace, Arden Fetterhoff, John Garner, Russ Kuhn
2010 – Theressa Crowley, Ellen Gorelick, Mark Ahlstrand
2012 – Donna Coleman, Joy Harvey, Agnes Heaney
2014Mary Jo Eastes, David Griswold, Francie Levy, Marn Reich
2016John Friedrich, Paulina Leedom, John Vartanian
2018Kevin Bowman, Diane Mortensen, Russell Wright

Didi & Randy Hammond and Lynne & Walt Dwelle


Our PatriARTic event was created in 1998 when committee members were searching for a new way to fundraise for Arts Visalia and honor the people who support us. Lynne Dwelle, a major supporter and current board member of Arts Visalia, came up with the idea for our PatriARTic event, and we decided to hold it near Flag Day.

The PatriARTic event was created to honor the educators, organizations, artists, supporters, and volunteers in our community who support the arts. This biennial event is an informal dinner and awards ceremony which features a barbecue, drinks and desserts. If you would like to make reservations for this year’s event, you may purchase tickets at the gallery or by calling (559) 739-0905.

Over the years, we have recognized the contributions of many who have contributed to the arts in our valley. These are people who have given so much, whose talents and generosity enhance our arts community in countless ways.

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