A National Juried Exhibition
March 2 – March 25, 2011
Reception: Friday, March 4th, 6 – 8pm
Wo•man•ful•ly is a national juried exhibition featuring a broad array of artworks by artists from throughout the United States and is part of a month-long series of exhibitions, lectures and events jointly hosted by College of the Sequoias and Arts Visalia in recognition of Women’s History Month. From quiet reflections on personal identity to images of broad cultural implication, spiritual meditations to satirical musings, the works included in the exhibition engage viewers with a diverse array of themes in celebration of women.
Artists included in the exhibition: Cecile Garrison, Sylvia Ross, Mona Fox-Selph, Linda Stein, Joan Seibel Bayes, Ellen Milinich, Lori Esposito, Billie Edwards, Joyce Polance, Tamara Staser-Meltzer, Robin Adsit, Sara Kelly, Thom Halls, Laurel Shackleford, Amie Rangel, Edward Gillum, Erica Rodriguez, Anna Koelewyn, Patricia Rangel, Judi Krew, Paulina Swietliczko, Marie Bergstedt and Helen Gigliotti.
Thursday, March 3rd
6pm Dr. Gina Strumwasser, Professor of Art History, California State University, Fresno
Lecture: Politically Incorrect: Women Artists and Female Imagery of Renaissance Italy
College of the Sequoias, Sierra Bldg. Rm. 812
7pm Tim Z. Hernandez, American Book Award Winner
Book Talk: Breathing, In Dust
College of the Sequoias, John Muir Bldg. Rm. 107
8pm Kaki King and Zoe Keating Concert
Sound n Vision Foundation with COS Arts & Lecture Series
$15 (all ages) tickets: Ticketweb.com
College of the Sequoias, COS Theatre
Friday, March 4th
6-8pm Opening Reception at Arts Visalia
Wo•man•ful•ly Exhibition
Arts Visalia, 214 East Oak Avenue
March 7th – 31st
Quilts Display, Learning Resource Center foyer
College of the Sequoias, Lodgepole Bldg.
Thursday, March 10th
5-7pm Opening reception: COS Art Gallery
Fitting the Subject/Object: Paintings by Leslie Batty
Exhibition runs March 7th – April 1st
College of the Sequoias, Kaweah Building, Rm. 214
Made possible with generous support from these sponsors and partners:
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