Emma Mora is a promising 20 year-old illustrator and artist originally from Tulare, California. As a result of growing up in a quiet, agricultural town, Emma began to draw characters she wished to meet and worlds she wished to visit, which drives the inspiration behind her art to this day. With her art, she aims to captivate her observations and life experiences through unique characters. From girls with super powers who unapologetically embrace their femininity without compromising their strength, to characters inspired by the internet age. To meet Emma Mora’s characters is to meet Emma Mora: A Gen-Zer, and a small town girl with a love for escapism and fantasy. Emma plans to use all proceeds from this exhibition to fund her studies at Parsons School of Design. You can also support her by donating via venmo @emma-mora, or through contacting her on her website, emmamoraart.com
I love your use of color. Your self portrait is so well done, you have an incredible range to your talent and creativity.
Fabulous work! Your creativity is so enjoyable! So proud of you! Keep using your gifts! ❤️