Compassion Without Action Has No Value
It’s Saturday. I have this weekend off. My bills are paid. I awake from my afternoon nap and shut off the TV which is still running a Netflix move. This coming week I fly out to Chicago to do a job, but for now it is time to get out of the house.
I grab my camera bag, the keys to my car, and head out the door…As I drive towards the north-side of town where I use to party with friends, I pass by yard sale signs… people trying to get rid of extra stuff they no longer need. After a short cruse around the old neighborhood, I see a man I interviewed and took pictures of last year. I just bought a new camera lens and need to get used to it. Here is my chance to shoot pictures of this same guy and compare them from the ones taken with my old lens.
This 54-year-old man, Enrique, is sitting on the edge of a dried up flower bed just outside the Food-4-Less parking lot on Dinuba Blvd. I park in the lot next to a vacant store-front close to the street.
Walking up to Enrique I have a $5 bill in one hand and my camera in the other. I engage with Enrique and can tell he doesn’t recognize me yet. He is not intoxicated the way he was the first time we sat and talked. This time he tells me more about himself. Immediately he states, “I am an electrician and looking for work. I was with my wife when I came to Visalia. She had to get an operation for her pancreas and is still in Madera”. The look on Enrique’s face when he shares this, causes me to wonder if his wife survived. He continues, “She knows where to find me, but has not come for me yet.”
It is only 94 degrees outside today. But it gets well over 105 in the middle of summer. Enrique can be found many times in this same spot. Enrique is polite, speaks well, intelligent, attended and graduated from college in Modesto and has been unhoused for at least 3 years, probably more.
After sitting and conversing with Enrique as a peer, I head back to my car, and in minutes review the pictures from the comfort of my home’s air-conditioned office. With my laptop connected to a large monitor, I see at times Enrique puts on a big smile. I shoot, but keep the camera focused on him. When the smile drops, I capture the pain in his eyes. Enrique’s pain must be a perpetual state. Without hope. Waiting for a wife who will never return. No escaping the reality of existence on the street. The heart of humanity has been violently pierced and now bleeds. It weakens me. Speaking with Enrique, you get a sense he is a good man. Could be an uncle, a father, a grandfather, a husband, a brother, a cousin.
Multiply Enrique’s story by a hundred, by a thousand, by ten thousand. The Unhoused Population is powerless and suffering inhumanely. So, what can I do? I go to the kitchen and get a bowl of ice cream to soothe myself….
I am guilty! Now multiply that by a million of us!!
Gerardo Vázquez
Ruta at time of photo is a 58-year-old female. When Ruta was asked her age she replied “I really don’t know; I was born in 1964.” Ruta has always lived in Visalia. Has been living without a home since her mother passed. Ruta states, “I went to COS for 4-5 years, but I’m no sure if I graduated.” When asked about alcohol or drug use, her answer was, “No.”
Ruth was asked what she thought the main reason was she was without a home. She replied, “I don’t want one. Got kicked out of so many homes, I don’t want one.”
Miguel at time of photo is a 74-year-old male. He had been without a home for 5 years; ever since he moved to Visalia from Los Angeles.
Miguel was asked what he thought the reason was that he was without a home. His reply was: “I was born in Missouri. Mid-wife who delivered me was old and didn’t go to register my birth, so no birth certificate. Worked as roofer. Denied my rightfully earned retirement benefits because no birth certificate”.
Miguel was asked if he had and medical issues. He replied “On medication for heart condition.” Miguel showed me two containers of prescription heart medication in his name. Miguel continued “Denied SSI because no birth certificate.”
Then frustrated and in anger stated:
“I did nothing wrong and can’t get my money!”
At the time of the photo Darrell was a 57-year-old male. He spoke with a calmness. Was respectful and appeared to speak honestly with hope that someone would listen and help.
Darrell completed the 11th grade. He has always lived here locally; Farmersville and Visalia.
When asked about Drug or Alcohol use he answered: “Drugs yes, Meth. Alcohol abuse, Yes.” Darrell stated: “No” to the question of any mental health issues.
Darrell was asked, what do you think the reason is you are without a home. He replied “Landlord died, had to move.”
Income: $1040.42 Social Security Disability
20 year old Female 5 years without a home
5 years in Visalia 12th grade education
When asked if there was drugs use, she answered: No
When asked if there was Alcohol abuse, answered: No
When asked if Mental Health Issues, answer was: No
The tattoo of the crown on her right cheek and tattoo of the word “Loyalty” on right side of her forehead, are known to be the tattoos placed on Victims of Human Trafficking by evil en-slavers to mark their property and diminish all hope.
My first encounter with Alexia she appeared to be severely under the influence; Jittery and paranoid. I did not approach her at that time. On my next encounter 2 weeks later, Alexia was calm, polite, spoke and interacted very well. On Christmas morning of 2023, I asked Alexia about her tattoo’s. She denied any connection to human trafficking. She also told me she had not eaten in 3 days, but the photo of her encampment from that morning shows 4 burritos, peanut butter, oranges, and punch.
This photo was taken on July 13th, 2022. At that time Jose was 72 years old. He had been in Visalia and without a home for 2 years.
Jose was polite and straight forward. He did not appear to have to think out his answers, he just answered the questions he was asked.
Jose has a 10th grade education. He does use drugs, heroin. He does not abuse alcohol. When asked if there were mental health issues he stated, yes. No medication being used. When asked what he thought was the main reason he was without a home, he stated: “$900.00 per month Social Security is not enough to live on for rent, utilities and food”.
62 year old male. 30 years without a home.
“I’ve been in Visalia 20 years. I went to prison for drug use. When I got out my parole officer dropped me off at the Mission and told me we would meet every two weeks. Been in Visalia ever since”.
Lester says he got his GED in 1991. When asked if he used drugs he replied,“Yes, Marijuana, Meth.”
When asked if he ever experienced any abuse, he answered: “Yes, I was raped by my uncle when I was 3 years old. Went on for ten years. I can not sleep. I sleep maybe 1 hour per week. Feel I have to stay on guard.”
When interviewed on 7/11/22 Gail was 60-year-old. Gail states she has always lived in Visalia and has a high school education. Gail states no drug or alcohol abuse and no mental health or physical abuse.
Then I asked if there was anything else she could tell me about herself. Gail shared she was an early victim of the Visalia Ransack Killer (all so known as the Golden State Serial Killer). Gail told of while trapped in her car, she was shot four times, and left for dead. Gail showed me the scar on her chest, and a scar from where the bullet grazed her head leaving her unconscious and bleeding, perhaps saving her live as she appeared dead. She also tried to show me scars on her leg and arm. She described in detail what, when and how she became a victim of the serial killer. From listening to Gail, and seeing her scars, I believe her story.
At time of photos Chrystal is a 41-year-old female. She had been living without a home in Visalia for 10 years. She moved to Visalia form Porterville “Trying to be clean & sober.” She completed the 11th grade. Chrystal goes on to say “I did not like school at all. Did not get along.” She does use weed and alcohol. When asked, Chrystal stated she was sexually abused “When I was 6 years old”. Chrystal states she has a mental health diagnosis of schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder.
When asked what she thought the main reason was she was without a home, she replied “Went to jail, cut off SSI”
Johnny Jr.
At the time one of the photos was taken Johnny Jr. is a 62 year old Male. He states he has lived in Visalia for 14 years. He moved to Visalia because his Father and cousin lived here. Johnny is also a veteran. In the military he was Helicopter Mechanic and served 6 years in active duty. His crew followed the conflict zones repairing Helicopters. His education was High school and what he learned during his tours. After his six years he continued as civilian contractor for the Army Calvary Regiment as helicopter mechanic crew chief.
He states is not a drug user and his alcohol use is “not excessive’’. He suffers from arthritis in his left knee and Bunions.
What do you think the main reason is you are unhoused: Johnny stated “Income.”
– 73-yr-old Cherokee female from Mississippi
– 4 years without a home
– Came to Visalia when 6 months old
– 10th grade education – did not like school
– Drug use – meth, no alcohol abuse – Health issues: “Long ago my husband was killed before 2nd son born.”
Sarge served on active duty in Vietnam. Her specialty was demolitions. She stated she did not want to talk about it. We sat calmly and spoke about life in general. During the time we spent together she voluntarily changed the subject, quietly saying; “I would blow up the jungle so they couldn’t/wouldn’t fight. I feel bad for the little animals that lived in the jungle that got hurt”.
Health issues: brain damage, borderline leukemia, diabetic, series of strokes from excessive alcohol.
Very sweet lady. Sarge says, “Everyone knows I don’t lie; I always tell the truth. I do not like people. I consider you a friend.”
Dotty -“Sarge” and Her Navajo Ghost Beads
Traditionally, many Navajos will keep these beads beside them when they sleep since they are believed to ward of nightmares caused by evil spirits. They represent a connection between the earth, trees, animals and humans. It is hoped they bring peace, harmony and safety to the wearer.
Dotty told me a lady pulled up in her car, got down, came over to her, and gave her the beads. Dotty thought they were pretty and put them on.
Mario Jr
I interviewed Mario Jr on 7/26/22 in front of the Bethlehem Center on Dinuba Blvd in Visalia. At the time he was 70 years old. Mario says, “I’ve been on the street for 7 years. I came to Visalia 5 years ago to look for work.”
Mario stated he has a 12th grade education. When asked if he used drugs he answered,“Yes, meth.” When asked if he abused alcohol, he answered,“Yes.” When asked if he had any mental health issues, he answered, “Yes, schizophrenic, on medication, Haloperidol.”
I asked Mario if he was a Veteran, he said, “Yes, combat veteran, Army” I asked him where he served, he said, “I ended my tour in Guam in 1974.”
I asked Mario what he thought was the main reason he was without a home. “I can’t manage my money, or don’t have enough money to manage.”
I asked, what he would like to see change out here? “I would like to see warming centers.” Anything else you’d like to say? Mario, very seriously looked to me and said, “It’s hard out here, I want a home.”
In photo Jeffery is a 56 year old male who has been with out a home since 2006. He arrived in Visalia in 2020 when the Fresno Police Department dropped him off.
Jeffery states he received his AS, AA, and almost BA.
He states no drug use except for Marijuana, and does not abuse alcohol. Jeffery also states no mental health issues. When asked what he thought was the main reason he was unhoused, he was caught by surprise, and pondered for a second saying,”That’s a good question.” then responded “Injury, knee blown up.”
Served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. “In 1991 got shelled blowing me and my buddy up. When I came-to; saw my body was twisted; hip, legs, knee. A large piece of scrap medal in my arm still smoldering. Medics arrived, found me trying to put my buddy’s head back together. Next thing I woke up in a hospital in Turkey. Disability is still being processed. The VA has been backed up because of Covid, but they’re getting to it.”
(pic of Jeffery’s wife, Lourie, is at their home on 10/3/22)
At time of photos in January of 2023, Stan was an 83-year-old male veteran who had been living in his car for six months. I spoke to him while he was pan-handling outside Taco Bell at Mary’s Vineyard.
Stan attended and graduated from COS, and UC Santa Barbara. “I am a Physicist. Between the Korean War and Vietnam conflict I enlisted in the Air Force as a physicist. I was stationed at Douglas and Hughes Aircraft.” When asked what he worked on, he simple said, “Secret electronic stuff.” Note: An internet search reviled during that time the U.S. Military worked on secret microwave projects.
Stan reports no Mental Health issues. When asked if used drugs, he answered, “Yes.” Asked if any alcohol abuse, He answered, “No”, only to sleep at night”
What is main reason you are unhoused? “I fell off a latter in my barn, had heart attack, fire dept cracked my ribs and started my heart. Faults Police report illegally condemned my house”. Stan continues and says, “Visalia always been my home. Now I sleep in my car”.
7/12/22, the morning I met Mark. He and his girl friend April were waking up on the grass next to the entrance of Mary’s Vineyard off Ben Maddox. Mark stated he was 59 years old and had 20 years in Visalia.10 years without a home.12th grade in school. No health or mental issues. When I asked Mark if he was a Veteran, he straighten up, looked directly in the eye. and said, “Yes, three tours in Afghanistan.” Although Mark was laterally living on the street, he appeared strong, and proud as he spoke. He appeared worthy of Honor. I ask him what he thought the main reason was he was with out a home. He turned away, looked down and puzzled and said, “That’s a tough question.”
3/22/23. I interviewed Mark again. A drastic physical deterioration was obvious. Mark sounded delusional, A shell of the man I interviewed 8 months earlier. Suspect the epidemic of crystal meth use amongst the unhoused population has gotten the better of this Veteran, who previously, even though unhoused, was strong, and proud.
Here are two interviews with April. The first was on 7/12/22. At that time April is a 34 year old female with an 11th grade education. She states she has been without a home 10 years. States no alcohol or drug abuse. When asked if any mental health issues April states, “Schizophrenia, taking Haloperidol for last 10-20 years.”
Second interview is 11/1/23.
April states, “I’m trying not to do what I was doing before, trying not to do fentanyl. Trying to stay away from smoking the pipe like before.” She states, “I don’t know why I still buy it.”
This was the first time April and I really had a conversation. Usually I spoke directly to Mark, her boyfriend of 14 years. This visit April was very talkative, appeared quite lucid and friendly. Our previous interaction was in March of 2023 when I spoke only to Mark. At that time she and Mark appeared sick. Mark as always, was polite and respectful, but sounded week and delusional. Both were paranoid, almost scared, like two abused Chihuahuas. During that encounter April stood next to Mark, and at times, held onto him.
April appears to be bouncing back, (from what she was doing before) making an effort to stop smoking fentanyl.
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
When did you arrive in Visalia: “Since May 2008”
How long without a home: “10 years”
Drug Use: “No”
Alcohol abuse: “No”
Why did you come to Visalia? “I love working the land. Came to work with my cousin.”
“Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do to me.”
Female. She stated she is 18 years old (very doubtful)
7 years in Visalia. Education: Phoenix High School
Communicated 3 weeks without a home, then stated “Otherwise 7 days.” Then stated; “That’s my home over there, mineral worst.”
Q: Alcohol abuse: “No.” Q: Drug use? “No.” (In photo she is holding a used glass pipe like those used for smoking Methamphetamine.)
Q: What do you think the reason is you are without a home? “Panda Season, H&R Block.”
Q: Mental Health issues? “No, slow blood. Dental contract.”
Q: Ever been abused? “I teach that class, exit, living, gym.”
Appears to understand what is being asked. But her answers are difficult to connect with question, or anything else.
When photo was taken Darin was 35 years old.
He stated he completed 2 years at COS and received a Certificate in Communications.
Darin spoke well and was not shy sharing his experiences. He lived in Visalia for most of his life, has and been with out a home for 7 years.
I got back to the questions I normally ask. What do you think the reason is are without a home?
Darin’s answer: “I had nervous breakdown. I have signed up in projects for a home, really long process.”
Darin admitted using drugs saying: “Yes, Meth”
and “No” to Alcohol abuse?
On Mental Health issues he answered: “Yes, Bi-polar & Border Line Personality Disorder.”
At the time the photo was taken, Michelle reported she was 47 years old and had been living without a home for over 57 years. She stated she moved from Visalia to Tulare two months earlier, the reason being “Someone won case in Tulare where cops can’t harass us”.
Michelle stated she completed the 11th grade and some of 12th. When asked about alcohol and drug use she stated “I do not use alcohol, but I do use crystal meth and have ADHD”.
When asked what she thought the main reason was she was without a home, she replied: “Took our home from my brother”.
20 Desire’e
In this photo Desire’e is a 59 year old Female and has been unhoused for 5 years. Desire’s states she has always lived in Visalia
When asked if any mental health issues, he said, “Working on it, gets to you after awhile.”
What do you think is the main reason you are unhoused: “My own fault. Then time passes and you kinda get use to it.”
Drug use: “Yes, meth, or what ever it is they are putting in it now.”
Have you ever been abused? “No”
In this photo Edward is 58 years old. He states he has been unhoused for 10 years.
When ask how long in Visalia, he said, “Always. 7 years somewhere else.” When asked how far in school, he said, “GED, Business certificate, class A license.”
What do you think the main reason is you are unhoused: “Drugs” What’s your drug of choice? “Heroin, meth.”
Alcohol use: “Yes”
Mental issues: “Yes…No….”
When the photo was taken Jay was a 58 year old male and had been without a home for 8 years.
When ask how long he’s lived in Visalia, he stated, “Always, Visalia and Farmersville.”
Jay went to school up to the 6th grade. States he is on medication for mental health issues.
Question: What do you think main reason is you are unhoused: “Wife died. Went to prison long time ago. Hard to get a job after that.”
When asked if there was anything else he would like to add, he commented, “Trying to clean up and get off the street. Doing drug court”.
Visalia Police Department’s “Hope Team”
Homeless Outreach and Proactive Enforcement (Hope) Team says they are dedicated to minimizing the impact of homeless-related calls for service by using a strategy of enforcement, prevention and intervention.
(The above paragraph taken directly from – KEE24 and CBS47.)
The following three photographs were taken at 7:54am on October 6th, 2022 inside the Visalia Sports Park on the outskirts of North Visalia. I was out early that morning looking for members of the unhoused community to interview. What I witnessed that morning was, The Visalia Police Department’s “Hope Team” interacting with a man and what appeared to be his daughter.
I kept my distance, did not interfere, and took pictures from across the parking lot in plain sight of the police officers. A few days later I went to the police department and requested the incident report. I was told; “Since a minor was involved, we cannot give you any information.”
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