Ricardo Favela is a Chicano artista. His art reflects the experience of Chicanos (Mexican Americans) in the United States and more specifically, California in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley’s. He is a native of the San Joaquin Valley, a son of Farm Laborers. Therefore, his artistic aesthetic is rooted in the plight of the people, “los povertycitos” as he would say. Seen and Unseen: Ricardo Favela Expressions of Chicano/a Art is on display at Arts Visalia March 3rd-April 30th.
Favela was a pilot
of the adobe kind.
Those adobe airplanes,
you can no longer find.
He flew in formation
until his last night.
Seen or unseen,
Ricardo was right…
Chicanos are missing
right in plain sight.
I salute you, my brother
with all my might!
Few that view this will understand the depth of commitment and sacrifice Richard put into his profession and love for future generations of Chicanos. Many others will. Ricardo Favela, ¡Presente! !
Beautiful! thank you for honoring him.